Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Discharge Versus Ovulation

The dangers of teleworking

teleworking definitely has many advantages but one disadvantage is the strongest theme of the danger of being scammed, whether you are contracting as if you provider service.

The two times I've tried to outsource to a freelance programmer to help me with a project I ended up losing money, earning more overtime work and losing credibility with the customer end your product delivered late.

This time, I play that I cheat a customer.

Mr. Bulmaro Alvarez, Monar Materials Company, recently contacted me over a month in order to request my services to implement the issuance of CFD in a billing module VFP property of the company mentioned and which Mr Alvarez is a Manager or Head of Systems.

Upon reaching the monetary agreement Mr. Alvarez brought up the point that in reality he would have to personally cover the costs of this change since that work had been entrusted to another company selected by he and the owner of the company died before finishing the job and the family refused to comply with the contract. For this reason, Mr Alvarez had asked me to consider them as colleagues and we were allowed to cancel my service in late last month.

of consideration for a colleague and interest to capture any new international customer, I decided to take the risk and do the job. To make matters worse, the work was more complicated than it initially appeared as the sources provided by Mr. Alvarez were correct, then turned out they had missed some specifications about the changes that were really necessary.

In summary, end spending almost double the originally estimated hours but eventually the work was completed to the full satisfaction of Mr. Alvarez and received a communication from you the day February 16 indicating that despite of the agreement, proceed to cancel my service two days later by an international transfer via MoneyGram, as we agreed.

That was the last time I heard of it. Since that day I have not seen him more in line (we communicated almost every day via Google Talk) and I have answered the many emails I sent asking about the payment. After more than a week without response, it became clear that I probably will never again know about it and definitely could forget my payment, because in start of innocence and trust is not got no protection in the code (always practice I found questionable) and sent him over the modified sources.

Anyway, I bet and lost. I go 0 - 3, I hope the next time I go better.


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