Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Xt Heart Rate Monitor Manual

From Safari to Camino Nostalgia

Safari browser is tremendous. Since I made the leap to leave my beloved Firefox OSX without looking back, captivated by the elegance and speed of Safari.

But lately I've noticed that Safari has become a true memory-eating monster, to the point of consuming more than 500 MB of physical RAM.

True, I have 3 GB of RAM ... but when I have Parallels running (512 MB allocated), plus a dozen more programs, that excessive consumption of Safari becomes a problem that affects the overall performance of my system.

After a quick search on Google, I found Camino . Its interface is all the "Mac-style" which can be ordered, and according to the documents I read, is almost as fast as Safari and many more modest in its memory consumption.

So from today I set Camino as my default browser to see how it goes with me in the coming weeks.