Saturday, May 14, 2011

Can You Catch A Chest Infection

A large group of educated and wealthy people debating about the divine and human. Among them, a dwarf mileurista listened, admired by so much wisdom. Encouraged by the warm welcome and the beautiful proposals solidarity speakers who lavished the dwarf wanted to participate In the debate on an equal footing, and took the stand perched on high-heeled shoes with trying to hide their lack of height. Poor deluded!

Just open your mouth, a hundred pairs of eyes fixed on his set your scanners, their invisible rays class penetrated to her bones and, after processing the images recorded left fake chest of a fluorescent yellow triangle.

After discussion, the dwarf is alone and forgotten, but something positive has learned from this experience: egomaniacs is discuss changes solidarity capable of solving the problems that plague millions of new poor in this country and those of third world sitting at the table in a restaurant whose menu does not drop below 40 euros.


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