The award has these features:
Mention 1, who has given you. Copy the award and put it on your blog
2 º submit seven characteristics that define you.
3 º Pass Blogs seven.
Firstly my thanks and my gratitude to Mary for
value this blog as worthy of the prize link to your blog
http:/ / mariangardi.blogspot.com
My 7 characteristics that define me, I think they are:
Dreamer (Ya, but dreams are dreams)
Noble (Entiénsase Asshole)
Sincere (No I will not mention one, it hurts it hurts)
Suffering (UF! I have sticks on all sides and still alive)
Faithful friends (Yes, yes, but sometimes do not behave as such)
Loving (That I'm a Jart, became cloying)
Amable (with everyone except the phone operators that disturb daily)
I can only mention seven blogs, but all are in my heart and you can take the prize and bring it to your blog. I mention a dozen, the oldest followers
Miguel http://personascomunes.blogspot.com/ Mirta
http://sf-silence. Lady Luna
http://vistasdesdemiobjetivo.blogspot.com/ Margarita
http://cobijodelluvia.blogspot.com/ de Xary Darilea
http://sicontigocuento.blogspot.com/de Leny
http://enelsilenciolafelicidad.blogspot.com/ de M.Susana
http://www.escribesconmigo.blogspot.com/ de Mario
http://laperladejanis.blogspot.com/ de Claudia Isabel
SUSURU http://unosyotros.blogspot.com/ of
http://antoniopc.blogspot.com/de Antonio
Toro http://torosalvaje.blogspot.com/
http://romantiquices.blogspot.com/de Flor
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