Thursday, April 28, 2011

How To Clean A Marlin 1870

Today not move me the moment he set sail sun, painting the clouds tuck him orange

indifferent nod I show blue jacaranda trees, whose branches I hail from the square.

The swallow nest on the windowsill hovers before me balcony, worried, and my potted hydrangeas including whispering behind me, while I keep looking away, stuck in the distant mist, and I shudder to see vacuum you left in my bed.

The sun and air that I embrace, trying to comfort me, dried my tears as I broken chest, hopeless soul, loneliness creep of night, silence and ghosts.

think that I will not feel in my hands the sweetness of your breasts, nor will my naughty fingers life in freedom to find in the wetlands of the essence of your valleys lives that made us vibrate while we both ate a kisses!

Ah, love! Thinking about nectar from your mouth, your full lips and my tongue delivered skin covering silk ...

dream of rose petals that flying toward me and kiss me, I offered its fragrance and drunk, let me cuddle in your garden. The air, disturbed, flees us and die of suffocation, sucking and sobbing like crazy, until you drop dead about each other.

No, today I hear the greeting fragrant roses, or accept the invitation of bees and butterflies to walk with them between garden flowers: the flower that impelled me to bow, quivering with passion, with her beauty that kept my soul in his prey, intoxicated with perfume, fed with fluid impregnated with the essence ... That was assembled Saturday in a plane and disappeared this point in the sky that keeps a sharp eye.

Safe Creative #1104289083392

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Niña Chupando Polla


Moorish Chronicles is a work of 400 pages divided into two parts:

1 ª The arrival of the Arabs and the occupation of Spain.

2 ª La Reconquista from Cantabria to the taking of Granada.

With this book I have been a big disappointment. I hoped to increase the limited knowledge I have about the origins of the English nation, and what I've learned is that the history of Spain that tells Irving, like many researchers of the Middle Ages, is based on ancient texts written by monks and Catholic bishops whose goals, rather than testify to the fact, were to spread their religious faith to spare no effort.

This did not hesitate, when log events, to imagine miracles and supernatural events that instill in the people, poor and illiterate, the idea that God was with the Christian kings. So, shamelessly proclaimed in the pulpits of churches and stopped writing for posterity events that are an insult to human intelligence.

Because who can believe that in a battle in which the Moorish army three times the number of soldiers to the Christian king, and when he is about to be defeated "Heaven is opened and the Apostle Santiago appears with his sword and cut his head thousands of infidels defeating the Moorish king, who runs away at full speed toward his castle "?

divine interventions as that displayed by the dozens in the book, supported by notes in a footnote indicating the source investigated. Or this: a gentleman Christian enters into a chapel minutes before entering the battle for help to Christ. Without realizing it goes into ecstasy over time and praying he stays there, and when it leaves the chapel the battle is over. The gentleman is concerned, afraid of being called a coward and accuse you of having hidden to avoid the fight. Lo and behold, instead cheer and congratulate him for his bravery.

The gentleman is more bewildered than I read that page, but the monk tells the story makes it clear what happened:

"While the knight kneeling before the altar praying, God sent an angel, who dressed like his armor and riding on a horse identical to yours, is rolled to give espadazo right and left, almost decapitating the whole Moorish army. The angel received several wounds in the chest, and his horse. And to convince those around him that he had been the protagonist Christian gentleman of heroic deeds, God made that while the gentleman listened to praise and received honors from King appeared on his chest wounds bleeding received by the angel, and his horse. "

On another occasion, when King Christian dusk was winning a battle and feared nightfall and could not kill the infidels. Then the King looked at the sky and asked God to please (So, like the one the officer asks a friend) to extend the day until just kill your enemy. And so it happened. "The sun stood at zenith until King Christian finished his task."


the friar known history of the Old Testament, then allí está escrita ( Josué capítulo 10: vesiculos 13 y 14), y sabiendo el resultado que produjo en los israelitas la aplicó a su rey logrando la sumisión y el fervor de todos los habitantes del reino, quienes veían en el soberano el representante de Dios.

El Rey agradecía estos detalles regalándoles a los frailes y obispos, quienes batallaban junto a él con sus propias huestes, la mitad de las tierras conquistadas con sus pueblos, castillos y palacios, cuyos habitantes pasaban a ser siervos de ellos.

De esta forma se originó la enorme riqueza y el inmenso poder que aún posee la Iglesia.

The positive of these fanciful Chronicles, is that they show in detail the cruel manner in which were the borders between provinces and communities today: the kings and nobles often out of their strengths to find food, wealth and maidens killing thousands of people using the sword, destroying and laying waste to entire towns and villages ahead with the cross as a banner and enslaving their inhabitants. The same strategy applied after the conquistadors in America.

No wonder, then, and I understand that since the Enlightenment, the peoples in the Iberian Peninsula were subjected to deception, the horror of Inquisition, the looting and the shedding of blood, ask to return to their roots and the restitution of their lands, their freedom and independence.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Resetting A Compustar


Amig @ s: Gardi Marián rewarded me with a beautiful landscape painting that honors this blog.

The award has these features:
Mention 1, who has given you. Copy the award and put it on your blog
2 º submit seven characteristics that define you.
3 º Pass Blogs seven.

Firstly my thanks and my gratitude to Mary for

value this blog as worthy of the prize link to your blog

http:/ /

My 7 characteristics that define me, I think they are:

Dreamer (Ya, but dreams are dreams)

Noble (Entiénsase Asshole)

Sincere (No I will not mention one, it hurts it hurts)

Suffering (UF! I have sticks on all sides and still alive)

Faithful friends (Yes, yes, but sometimes do not behave as such)

Loving (That I'm a Jart, became cloying)

Amable (with everyone except the phone operators that disturb daily)

I can only mention seven blogs, but all are in my heart and you can take the prize and bring it to your blog. I mention a dozen, the oldest followers

Miguel Mirta

http://sf-silence. Lady Luna Margarita de Xary Darilea Leny de M.Susana de Mario de Claudia Isabel

SUSURU of Antonio

Toro Flor

Monday, April 18, 2011

Implantation Bleeding On Ultrasound

Doncel of Sigüenza of the Granada Alpujarra


Peaceful you look, young Doncel,

While reading the book of poems

maybe to you wrote your beloved

in Granada, land of the infidel.

Before you hurt Moor

And the vast plain of Granada

regase your blood the green grass ...

Your thought was for her

A sweet lady who caught your attention.

Selfless mother love lover ...

Where did you leave? What was his name?

Why anonymous? Why forgotten?

They beggars at the door looking after

Wrapped for cartons and delivered to the wine,

That night remorse assail you

scaring your pillow sleep and

has not place in your heart to forget.

insist these poor creatures, cracked voice

And bet on it a thousand bottles of wine

that in the quiet cathedral at dawn,

the wedding march from Mendelssohn rang in the body

and swear by their dead and their living

that you saw in the altar with your loved

One, misunderstood poet,

to drown his sorrows in alcohol.

Evicted by his wife and children

so recounted the scene:

"The high windows, shine at night.

important guests, filled the cathedral

hear from Craving Doncel, "Yes, I '

That the beautiful bride give honor and happiness.

When the organ is silent, the Child of says:

"I Noble, thou, plebeian, I can not marry you!


To abide by the rules, to my regret, I must "

His eyes, before serene, filled with tears

The bride, humiliated, throws her bouquet to the ground

Alma wound Off door and escape

pouring through the streets bitterness

The sound of his footsteps rebounds in houses

Hundreds of bats emerge the recesses

clouds in the sky fled swift and raise

Swirls paper and dead leaves in the square

A cross owl air and lands on a branch

The night hides the lady, no one can find it "

And poet looks at me with glassy eyes,

tremula stands a finger and declares:

"The lineage of Arce, removed the girl"


Safe Creative #1104189003735

Monday, April 11, 2011

Diagram Of A Vw Sand Rail

at Calaméo Publish or browse Others.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Get Xbox Hdmi With Normal Hdmi


my trip to Granada and there is little left to tell, because if they say a picture is worth a thousand words, the many photos that I have shown speak for themselves.

I, however, tell you about the city, town, and its people, in case some day you are going that you know what I can find.

Granada is a clean city. In one week I counted only 5 poop dogs when my city of Cadiz, El Puerto de Santa Maria, they abound in such a way that the sidewalks seem chess boards, and must walk with his head down to circumvent them. And in Granada I've seen several containers for dog excrement, things I have not seen in this area.

I have seen several public urinals in the streets, something that lacks also the place where I live.

I was struck by the large number of gardens and fountains that adorn the many squares and avenues, and parks overflowing with greenery.

Its buildings are pleasing to the eye, do not have much height or are striking glass skyscraper as in big cities, but instead show a sweet mixture of styles: Arabic, Renaissance and modern.

The water is fine, cool and bland, you can drink safely from any source.

Granada to preserving the tradition of free tapas bars, and the guide who accompanied us on the views of the Alhambra insisted that if we entered a bar and asked for a beer or wine, they had to put a cover and if not demand it. To us it's been since forever, but it is no big deal: in my neighborhood, the bar also puts Andalusia and only costs 1 euro beer or glass of wine. In Granada, cane costs 1 `80 and the wine depends on whether it came from Granada or elsewhere, but at least 2.50 euros the cup.

In Granada they charge you for everything, even to enter the cathedral. And that's no big deal, is a cathedral like any other. The most important of Spain, by the number of visits, I think it is that of Santiago de Compostela, and yet, when I was in it all they charged me to go in and take pictures. In the Granada, a half dozen security guards watch to not take pictures. But I made them.

is not for nothing, but the reforms, maintenance of religious buildings, and salaries of priests and bishops out of public money, our taxes, and so I think I have the right to freely enter into them. And I had to pay 7 euros each : 3'50 to see the tomb of Ferdinand and Isabella and other 3'50 by the Cathedral! And above forbid me to take pictures for them to sell their shirts!

The truth is that I would not go, angered me what I think is an abuse, but a couple of friends, who attended the Fourth Meeting of Poetry on the Net told us: "Do not go away you can think of without seeing the cathedral Granada," and my wife did the rest. At the end we went, and made at least 70 photos: two did sneak into the Chapel Royal, although the six guards, and the rest in the cathedral, a church more like a market: hundreds of people abandoned their air, wandering around the spacious aisles and taking pictures without respecting the ban on cartels. There was no indication that religious rites were held, I never saw the big doors open, but only where it had paid the entrance, which in turn was a souvenir shop.

Another thing: if you despistáis and can not find any street or place, do not ask young people but older people, guards and hospitality professionals. Twice we asked young people, students, judging by folders or books under his arm, and in both cases we sent in the opposite direction that the street was looking for. That I had not happened before in any city I've visited many.

However, on both occasions, after walking for a while and realizing that we had taken hair, because according to the map we had forgotten in the hotel, we walked away from the place we were looking . We asked some people over and they were so nice, they were willing to accompany us to the site, which was no farther than fifty yards from where he had previously asked the students.

I do not want to bore you with nearly 300 photos of Granada city, and also here I would take up much space and would further slow the already slow blog. I therefore invite you to choose the topic that interests you by clicking among which I state here:

1, Cathedral, Royal Chapel and Monastery of the Cartuja.

2 º Walk through Granada.

3 º Park Technology & Science .

4 º Hotel Saray Granada

Hope you like it.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Yard Fungicide That Kills Ringworm Spores

at Calaméo Publish or browse Others. Fragment

anonymous Granada Moorish King who lost

He talked an old Moor, so to speak
- What do you call us, king,
what is this called?
- Ay de mi Alhama!
"You know, friends,
a new unhappy, Christians of bravery

and we have won Alhama.
- Ay de mi Alhama! He talked a a1faquí

of beard and gray hair: "Well
employs you, good king,
good king, well you employ.
- Ay de mi Alhama! You killed the Bencerrajes
who were the flower of Granada, you caught the fickle

Cordoba's appointee.
- Ay de mi Alhama! Therefore
deserve king, a term very bent
to miss you and the kingdom
Granada and miss here.
- Ay de mi Alhama

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Names Cut In Mat Board And


at Calaméo Publish or browse Others.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Fred Meyer Application Online

Place the cursor over the book and you will see a big screen.
The book has 79 pages, do not be fooled by the word END appears on page 75, because then follow a couple of poems.