had cleared some time ago, but the sky was gray and very dark mass of clouds approached from the South heralding a new shower at any time. The street looked full of puddles, buildings reflecting the whitewashed walls, mottled areas shelled by the scourge of the sun and wind.
The bar door opened and a tall and thin. looked unkempt with his red beard of several days, wearing brown cotton pants, gray shirt under a black vest, booties campers and tied a red scarf around his neck. Before it closed the door Antonio, the owner of the premises, he saw a starving dog, white and black head with the leg up and pissing in a doorway in the street.
Cowboy came without removing the black felt hat, nodded to the half dozen men who occupied the table and leaned on the counter.
Antonio put a glass front and filled it with wine, then turned back, cut slices of liver sausage and a slice of bread and put them in a dish next to the cup.
The cowboy started to strip the skin of the sausage.
- Asco time! Exclaimed
Antonio looked at him a moment and shrugged, the parishioners were silent. In the middle shelf of bottles placed on the wall, a sign advised: "Save water, drink beer."
Suddenly the door opened and a figure outlined on the threshold. Everyone stared in silence. It was a short, fat man, dressed entirely in black, wearing high heeled cowboy boots and silver spurs, and his waist hung a holster with two guns glistening.
The newcomer moved toward the cowboy staring eyes.
- Man, I was looking for! I wanted you to talk ...
"Well here I am.
The newcomer took the cup from the other and without saying anything he drank a drink.
- Hey man, you've spent , eh? ! Balls Do not touch me! If you want to drink, ask for a drink, but do not ever drink the mine because it scrapped face a host, and will have to kick you iodine with a broom.
"That does not mean it, right? "Said the fat man in a threatening tone.
- Yes, I say very seriously! "Said the other.
- Ah, well ...! Because I can not take jokes.
- Look, I do not take it anymore! Let the street.
And both left the bar, the patrons rose from their chairs and went after them. The sky was blue and a large clearing people out of their homes wearing costumes varied and original. A hundred meters in the center of the plaza, a group of chirigotero prepared to act on a stage.
"If it keeps time well, parade floats for the parade," said the fat.
"God hears you, compete, because many people take the whole year preparing for that.
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