Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Donation Request Letter For Church


Like unwary insect spider

I've caught, girl, you caught me ...

I love you, I love your laughter,

your hands, your feet, your hair and your eyelashes.

Your large eyes, girl, drive me crazy.

They are killing me bit by bit.

Your lips, my girl, are two pink carnations.

P or kiss, I would do anything

Your face, my child, is porcelain.

Just caress it, give my soul.

Your breasts, my girl, jugs of milk and honey.

're agile and lively, like a gazelle

intelligent, cheerful companion. Main

firm silken skin, long legs ,

pliant as the reed in the bank.

If God really exists, creator of many things:

the moon and the stars, the seas and Earth

clouds and winds, the wolf and sheep,

love and poison, women and roses.

Please ask, as say is so good,

knowing how I love you, I have this dream:

Hold you, blow your kisses, shake your body,

your walk with my hands silky wetlands

feel your weak and trembling complaints

and quench the thirst of our eager mouths

enjoy both, reaching the sky.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Should Organ Selling Be Legal 2010

Real Democracy Now!

Yesterday Later I forgot about the Fair to be held in my city and took the local train to attend the demonstration in Cádiz platform for citizens unhappy with the policy, called "Real Democracy Now!"

The demonstration took place at the same time in fifty English cities, as have some English newspapers today, attended by thousands of citizens, being Madrid and Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthe greatest number of participants gathered.

In held in Cadiz I figured that was attended by just over a thousand people, therefore, a good eye Cubero, we occupied an area on the street 80 meters long and six wide, which gives us 480 square meters, and placing two people per square meter in some places and three other out that much tighter about 1000 people.

Home of the demonstration in the Plaza of Spain

Up: Step by Port Avenue. Below: Step by Puertas de Tierra

At the door of the Government Commission

The demonstration took two hours to cover the miles between Spain Square and Puerta de Tierra.

El Diario de Cádiz is silent in its digital version of what happened yesterday in the city, and other information from those in other cities in Andalusia. Curious, no? As or newspaper dean of the province, has adapted to all changes of government that have occurred over the past century and so far in this, as does the chameleon , protected animal that survives in the Bay. Now it protect the political system in force; thirty-five years ago bore the yoke and arrows on the cover. The fact is that if the hard copy does not say anything, is depriving its readers of the chronicle of a protest to the newspaper can not ignore, as the demonstration passed in front of their offices and in balconies were a group of reporters watching, they were booed.

For specific information as happened yesterday in Spain:

Digital Voice: http://www.lavozdigital.es/

The Country: http://www.elpais.com/articulo/espana/ Miles/ciudadanos/casa/curro/miedo/exigen/futuro/digno/elpepunac/20110516elpepinac_12/Tes

World: http://www.elmundo.es/elmundo/2011/05/ 15/espana/1305478324.html

Returning to the event, I am ashamed that in a provincial town that holds the sad record European unemployment 180 000 unemployed, only a thousand people take to the streets to demand a change in the priorities of our leaders and politicians in general, when in 2005 and 2009 filled the stadium Carranza and Cadiz streets shouting and horns playing for hours and broke source of the Gates of Cadiz to celebrate the rise of the local team to the second division. Where was yesterday 30% of unemployed? Where are the hundreds of families who come daily to Caritas to help? Where those who fill the dining rooms?

The truth is that I I never believed that figure. If so, would businesses without customers, families without food ... Have already exploited. The economy, added to unemployment, says it has money to celebrate Carnival, to be partners Cádiz CF fill the bars and enjoy Canal Plus and the latest generation mobile phones.

thing is that leaving the street or not, the situation is unsustainable: it has lost a generation well prepared in vocational and university education, whose members, in addition to qualifications, leading dozens of workshops behind her, and kept with the help of parents no job, no contributions for pension rights and no future in sight.

Apparently this is only the beginning, a test. soon, and do not know if it happy or not, it will be proof that the problems persist, followed by more protests. The platform " Real Democracy Now" came in April at the University, does not need unions accomplices of the government to call people, and is not willing to back down.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Baixar Pokemon Deluge De Gba


"If not for the reason for the disaster will stop." Jose Luis Sampedro
anyone in this fucking world will listen?

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Can You Catch A Chest Infection

A large group of educated and wealthy people debating about the divine and human. Among them, a dwarf mileurista listened, admired by so much wisdom. Encouraged by the warm welcome and the beautiful proposals solidarity speakers who lavished the dwarf wanted to participate In the debate on an equal footing, and took the stand perched on high-heeled shoes with trying to hide their lack of height. Poor deluded!

Just open your mouth, a hundred pairs of eyes fixed on his set your scanners, their invisible rays class penetrated to her bones and, after processing the images recorded left fake chest of a fluorescent yellow triangle.

After discussion, the dwarf is alone and forgotten, but something positive has learned from this experience: egomaniacs is discuss changes solidarity capable of solving the problems that plague millions of new poor in this country and those of third world sitting at the table in a restaurant whose menu does not drop below 40 euros.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Friday, May 6, 2011

1975 Winnebago Indian


Photo taken from internet blog: http://www.humorspain.com/tag/estatua-de -freedom /

Sr. President, did not recognize you!

This phrase, uttered yesterday in Parliament by Gaspar Llamazares , deputy IU, summarizes the steps taken by Zapatero since he faced EE. UU bringing to our troops to Iraq today.

Latest taken office as President, Zapatero expressed his opposition to our complicity in an unjust war based on lies promoted on alleged threats of imminent job by Sadan nuclear weapons / or chemical withdrawing our troops from the army led by the USA.

Recently, whenever pirates and terrorist groups have hijacked our ships at sea, the government has prevented our soldiers fired on the boats and our helicopters robbers pursued them to their refuge in Somali ground: they had to respect the boundaries, you can not invade a country without UN authorization .

Zapatero kept Such an approach to the attack on the convoy of humanitarian aid and kidnapping in the desert by a group of volunteers. It knew the exact location of terrorist training, but could not act without causing serious international conflict. In both cases, preferred to pay the ransom, which encourages the pirates to repeat his feat.

seems that Spain must above all, comply with international law and abide by the decisions voted at the UN , which I think is commendable.

But now, after the attack by a U.S. command to a mansion in Pakistan no respect for borders or international treaties, and without consulting the UN either the Government of Pakistan, our President praises the performance of American killed several people order by President Obama. Seeing is believing!

is not put into question the need to halt and eliminate the terrorist who has done more harm to the citizens of the world, I would tear the skin into strips, which I think undemocratic and cocky is the method used.

In recent days, the world suffers from a total manipulation of information. As if all means of propaganda, political clients, audiovisual and hardware had been ordered to publish a story written in the White House, under pain of the consequences if they leave the script.

do you have Zapatero told the CIA thugs to get to flip the sock of his principles have Careful What with what he says because not only will in the picture but something that can happen? Do you have proposed as a Director of the World Bank when he loses the election?

Sometimes say elite soldiers Americans had the approval of the Government of Pakistan , but then why flying at low altitude to avoid the detected radars?

Contrary to what they did with Saddam Hussein , who showed up nausea in televisions around the world hung suspended from a rope, to Osama bin Laden assassinated, hide his body and show doctored photos, claiming that shocked public opinion:

1, would be a danger to national security transfer you live EE. UU

2 º That was killed because he defended himself and that there was no alternative to killing, then being forced to rectify when it was learned that he had no weapons and was coldly executed in front of his wife and children.

3 º Do not want to become a martyr.

4 º not want that revenge Al Qaeda committed an attack in U.S. territory.

I wonder: Are you really going to prevent esas dos cosas por haber asesinado al terrorista y tirado el cadáver al mar?

¿No hubiera sido más coherente con lo que simboliza Estados Unidos, como abanderado de la Libertad y Democracia, que se hubiera juzgado a Osama bin Laden y luego aplicado la condena ante el mundo entero, demostrando así que los terroristas acaban en manos de la Justicia, pagando el daño que hacen?

Pero bueno, no es la primera vez The USA invaded a sovereign country to kill or kidnap a person, we have the precedent of the island of Grenada, killing a English journalist who was trying to witness the outrage, and also in Panama, where they stormed the palace of President Norriega and him away.

What scares me is the impunity with which these acts. I feel helpless desolation to understand that everything is a lie: there is no democracy, no ethics, no law.

Elections are pure theater are useless besides enriching the elect.

The councils money to ask the autonomous parliaments, they depend central government, which is the opening or closing the tap, this, in turn, depends European Union and this whim of the American Cowboy turn.

Today I feel much less secure: the same who jealously guard their borders with annoying and humiliating security measures, forcing you to undress in airports where they observe, Bumble and record your body making you pass scanners ; prohibiéndote to take drugs or drink in the bag, they go and come by Night and treachery in other countries and commit the most heinous murders. And our government says everything is fine.

definitely , President Zapatero, I also did not recognize

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Pain From Thumb Down To Wrist

Are you what I love most,

not the slightest doubt you

Ignore those who say

That I'm

Ladies' man

Nothing is what it seems

're only in my life

While prisoner of desire,

I have been a few times.

I sipped other liquors

I have drunk other kisses

But swear, my life

were vices, loves not

These things I confess

was succeeded long

are the love of my life

And without you, I can not live


overburden the world

Let's fly together in the wind

Let us enjoy our bodies

tenderness Drunk

will spend days, months and years

Our love will be eternal

cares calendar,

if you love me and I love you!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Descargar Pokemon Frigo

at Calaméo Publish or browse Others .

Thursday, April 28, 2011

How To Clean A Marlin 1870

Today not move me the moment he set sail sun, painting the clouds tuck him orange

indifferent nod I show blue jacaranda trees, whose branches I hail from the square.

The swallow nest on the windowsill hovers before me balcony, worried, and my potted hydrangeas including whispering behind me, while I keep looking away, stuck in the distant mist, and I shudder to see vacuum you left in my bed.

The sun and air that I embrace, trying to comfort me, dried my tears as I broken chest, hopeless soul, loneliness creep of night, silence and ghosts.

think that I will not feel in my hands the sweetness of your breasts, nor will my naughty fingers life in freedom to find in the wetlands of the essence of your valleys lives that made us vibrate while we both ate a kisses!

Ah, love! Thinking about nectar from your mouth, your full lips and my tongue delivered skin covering silk ...

dream of rose petals that flying toward me and kiss me, I offered its fragrance and drunk, let me cuddle in your garden. The air, disturbed, flees us and die of suffocation, sucking and sobbing like crazy, until you drop dead about each other.

No, today I hear the greeting fragrant roses, or accept the invitation of bees and butterflies to walk with them between garden flowers: the flower that impelled me to bow, quivering with passion, with her beauty that kept my soul in his prey, intoxicated with perfume, fed with fluid impregnated with the essence ... That was assembled Saturday in a plane and disappeared this point in the sky that keeps a sharp eye.

Safe Creative #1104289083392

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Niña Chupando Polla


Moorish Chronicles is a work of 400 pages divided into two parts:

1 ª The arrival of the Arabs and the occupation of Spain.

2 ª La Reconquista from Cantabria to the taking of Granada.

With this book I have been a big disappointment. I hoped to increase the limited knowledge I have about the origins of the English nation, and what I've learned is that the history of Spain that tells Irving, like many researchers of the Middle Ages, is based on ancient texts written by monks and Catholic bishops whose goals, rather than testify to the fact, were to spread their religious faith to spare no effort.

This did not hesitate, when log events, to imagine miracles and supernatural events that instill in the people, poor and illiterate, the idea that God was with the Christian kings. So, shamelessly proclaimed in the pulpits of churches and stopped writing for posterity events that are an insult to human intelligence.

Because who can believe that in a battle in which the Moorish army three times the number of soldiers to the Christian king, and when he is about to be defeated "Heaven is opened and the Apostle Santiago appears with his sword and cut his head thousands of infidels defeating the Moorish king, who runs away at full speed toward his castle "?

divine interventions as that displayed by the dozens in the book, supported by notes in a footnote indicating the source investigated. Or this: a gentleman Christian enters into a chapel minutes before entering the battle for help to Christ. Without realizing it goes into ecstasy over time and praying he stays there, and when it leaves the chapel the battle is over. The gentleman is concerned, afraid of being called a coward and accuse you of having hidden to avoid the fight. Lo and behold, instead cheer and congratulate him for his bravery.

The gentleman is more bewildered than I read that page, but the monk tells the story makes it clear what happened:

"While the knight kneeling before the altar praying, God sent an angel, who dressed like his armor and riding on a horse identical to yours, is rolled to give espadazo right and left, almost decapitating the whole Moorish army. The angel received several wounds in the chest, and his horse. And to convince those around him that he had been the protagonist Christian gentleman of heroic deeds, God made that while the gentleman listened to praise and received honors from King appeared on his chest wounds bleeding received by the angel, and his horse. "

On another occasion, when King Christian dusk was winning a battle and feared nightfall and could not kill the infidels. Then the King looked at the sky and asked God to please (So, like the one the officer asks a friend) to extend the day until just kill your enemy. And so it happened. "The sun stood at zenith until King Christian finished his task."


the friar known history of the Old Testament, then allí está escrita ( Josué capítulo 10: vesiculos 13 y 14), y sabiendo el resultado que produjo en los israelitas la aplicó a su rey logrando la sumisión y el fervor de todos los habitantes del reino, quienes veían en el soberano el representante de Dios.

El Rey agradecía estos detalles regalándoles a los frailes y obispos, quienes batallaban junto a él con sus propias huestes, la mitad de las tierras conquistadas con sus pueblos, castillos y palacios, cuyos habitantes pasaban a ser siervos de ellos.

De esta forma se originó la enorme riqueza y el inmenso poder que aún posee la Iglesia.

The positive of these fanciful Chronicles, is that they show in detail the cruel manner in which were the borders between provinces and communities today: the kings and nobles often out of their strengths to find food, wealth and maidens killing thousands of people using the sword, destroying and laying waste to entire towns and villages ahead with the cross as a banner and enslaving their inhabitants. The same strategy applied after the conquistadors in America.

No wonder, then, and I understand that since the Enlightenment, the peoples in the Iberian Peninsula were subjected to deception, the horror of Inquisition, the looting and the shedding of blood, ask to return to their roots and the restitution of their lands, their freedom and independence.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Resetting A Compustar


Amig @ s: Gardi Marián rewarded me with a beautiful landscape painting that honors this blog.

The award has these features:
Mention 1, who has given you. Copy the award and put it on your blog
2 º submit seven characteristics that define you.
3 º Pass Blogs seven.

Firstly my thanks and my gratitude to Mary for

value this blog as worthy of the prize link to your blog

http:/ / mariangardi.blogspot.com

My 7 characteristics that define me, I think they are:

Dreamer (Ya, but dreams are dreams)

Noble (Entiénsase Asshole)

Sincere (No I will not mention one, it hurts it hurts)

Suffering (UF! I have sticks on all sides and still alive)

Faithful friends (Yes, yes, but sometimes do not behave as such)

Loving (That I'm a Jart, became cloying)

Amable (with everyone except the phone operators that disturb daily)

I can only mention seven blogs, but all are in my heart and you can take the prize and bring it to your blog. I mention a dozen, the oldest followers

Miguel http://personascomunes.blogspot.com/ Mirta

http://sf-silence. Lady Luna

http://vistasdesdemiobjetivo.blogspot.com/ Margarita

http://cobijodelluvia.blogspot.com/ de Xary Darilea

http://sicontigocuento.blogspot.com/de Leny

http://enelsilenciolafelicidad.blogspot.com/ de M.Susana

http://www.escribesconmigo.blogspot.com/ de Mario

http://laperladejanis.blogspot.com/ de Claudia Isabel

SUSURU http://unosyotros.blogspot.com/ of

http://antoniopc.blogspot.com/de Antonio

Toro http://torosalvaje.blogspot.com/

http://romantiquices.blogspot.com/de Flor

Monday, April 18, 2011

Implantation Bleeding On Ultrasound

Doncel of Sigüenza of the Granada Alpujarra


Peaceful you look, young Doncel,

While reading the book of poems

maybe to you wrote your beloved

in Granada, land of the infidel.

Before you hurt Moor

And the vast plain of Granada

regase your blood the green grass ...

Your thought was for her

A sweet lady who caught your attention.

Selfless mother love lover ...

Where did you leave? What was his name?

Why anonymous? Why forgotten?

They beggars at the door looking after

Wrapped for cartons and delivered to the wine,

That night remorse assail you

scaring your pillow sleep and

has not place in your heart to forget.

insist these poor creatures, cracked voice

And bet on it a thousand bottles of wine

that in the quiet cathedral at dawn,

the wedding march from Mendelssohn rang in the body

and swear by their dead and their living

that you saw in the altar with your loved

One, misunderstood poet,

to drown his sorrows in alcohol.

Evicted by his wife and children

so recounted the scene:

"The high windows, shine at night.

important guests, filled the cathedral

hear from Craving Doncel, "Yes, I '

That the beautiful bride give honor and happiness.

When the organ is silent, the Child of says:

"I Noble, thou, plebeian, I can not marry you!


To abide by the rules, to my regret, I must "

His eyes, before serene, filled with tears

The bride, humiliated, throws her bouquet to the ground

Alma wound Off door and escape

pouring through the streets bitterness

The sound of his footsteps rebounds in houses

Hundreds of bats emerge the recesses

clouds in the sky fled swift and raise

Swirls paper and dead leaves in the square

A cross owl air and lands on a branch

The night hides the lady, no one can find it "

And poet looks at me with glassy eyes,

tremula stands a finger and declares:

"The lineage of Arce, removed the girl"


Safe Creative #1104189003735