Today I had the "that" attempting to install the SQL Server 2008 Managment Studio Express on my computer with Windows XP SP2.
turned out that running the validation rules jumped installation of these two problems in which M $ is a specialist.
1) Failure Sql2005SsmsExpressFacet rule, even after you have uninstalled the SQL Server 2005 Managment Studio Express. The solution to this was changed in the register key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsfoft \\ Microsoft SQL Server and rename the key "90" temporarily during installation.
2) Failure VSShellInstalledRule rule, related to not having installed the Visual Studio 2008 SP1. With the sensitivity that is the truth VS2008 did not have much interest in the guy installing SP1, so the solution step by two steps:
a) Run Managment Express installer manually and tell him to ignore that rule:
SETUP / ACTION = install / SkipRules = VSShellInstaled RebootRequiredCheck
b) Change in the register the value of the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ DevVis \\ VS \\ Servicing \\ 9.0 \\ SP according as shown here
After the installation, are reversed changes made in the register and go.
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