Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Absence Of Cervical Mucus At 4 Weeks Pregnant

: M $, M $,... cuaaaaando up!

few weeks ago to prepare a development environment with Visual Studio 2008 on a virtual machine running Windows Server 2008 Std and VirtualBox.

Everything worked great, except that every time you compile the project sent it took up to 10 minutes.

After several days suffering from that, just today was that I remembered that I had the same thing happened to my original development environment and who once had it fixed.

The cause? A technology developed by M $ called Platform Verification Task. To make very long story short, this technology allows to verify that no estemos usando elementos que no esten disponibles para la plataforma especifica para la que estamos desarrollando (ej, usar un objeto Button en Windows Mobile Phone Edition).

Este proceso se ejecuta DESPUES que VS ya ha compilado el proyecto e identifica clases o caracteristicas que no sean compatibles con la plataforma asociada al proyecto y lo notifica al usuario.

El problema es que este proceso tarda MUCHISIMO. Hasta aqui todo bien, realmente. Y en donde metio la pata M$?? bueno, pues en que a NADIE se le ocurrio que dado que ese proceso es sumamente lento, uno podria querer DESACTIVARLO temporalmente y reactivarlo solo cuando uno quiera realizar esa verificacion.

Fortunately, there is a relatively easy way to solve the problem .


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