Photo taken from internet blog: -freedom / Sr. President, did not recognize you!
This phrase, uttered yesterday in Parliament by Gaspar Llamazares , deputy IU, summarizes the steps taken by Zapatero since he faced EE. UU bringing to our troops to Iraq today.
Latest taken office as President, Zapatero expressed his opposition to our complicity in an unjust war based on lies promoted on alleged threats of imminent job by Sadan nuclear weapons / or chemical withdrawing our troops from the army led by the USA.
Recently, whenever pirates and terrorist groups have hijacked our ships at sea, the government has prevented our soldiers fired on the boats and our helicopters robbers pursued them to their refuge in Somali ground: they had to respect the boundaries, you can not invade a country without UN authorization .
Zapatero kept Such an approach to the attack on the convoy of humanitarian aid and kidnapping in the desert by a group of volunteers. It knew the exact location of terrorist training, but could not act without causing serious international conflict. In both cases, preferred to pay the ransom, which encourages the pirates to repeat his feat.
seems that Spain must above all, comply with international law and abide by the decisions voted at the UN , which I think is commendable.
But now, after the attack by a U.S. command to a mansion in Pakistan no respect for borders or international treaties, and without consulting the UN either the Government of Pakistan, our President praises the performance of American killed several people order by President Obama. Seeing is believing!
is not put into question the need to halt and eliminate the terrorist who has done more harm to the citizens of the world, I would tear the skin into strips, which I think undemocratic and cocky is the method used.
In recent days, the world suffers from a total manipulation of information. As if all means of propaganda, political clients, audiovisual and hardware had been ordered to publish a story written in the White House, under pain of the consequences if they leave the script.
do you have Zapatero told the CIA thugs to get to flip the sock of his principles have Careful What with what he says because not only will in the picture but something that can happen? Do you have proposed as a Director of the World Bank when he loses the election?
Sometimes say elite soldiers Americans had the approval of the Government of Pakistan , but then why flying at low altitude to avoid the detected radars?
Contrary to what they did with Saddam Hussein , who showed up nausea in televisions around the world hung suspended from a rope, to Osama bin Laden assassinated, hide his body and show doctored photos, claiming that shocked public opinion:
1, would be a danger to national security transfer you live EE. UU
2 º That was killed because he defended himself and that there was no alternative to killing, then being forced to rectify when it was learned that he had no weapons and was coldly executed in front of his wife and children.
3 º Do not want to become a martyr.
4 º not want that revenge Al Qaeda committed an attack in U.S. territory.
I wonder: Are you really going to prevent esas dos cosas por haber asesinado al terrorista y tirado el cadáver al mar?
¿No hubiera sido más coherente con lo que simboliza Estados Unidos, como abanderado de la Libertad y Democracia, que se hubiera juzgado a Osama bin Laden y luego aplicado la condena ante el mundo entero, demostrando así que los terroristas acaban en manos de la Justicia, pagando el daño que hacen?
Pero bueno, no es la primera vez The USA invaded a sovereign country to kill or kidnap a person, we have the precedent of the island of Grenada, killing a English journalist who was trying to witness the outrage, and also in Panama, where they stormed the palace of President Norriega and him away.
What scares me is the impunity with which these acts. I feel helpless desolation to understand that everything is a lie: there is no democracy, no ethics, no law.
Elections are pure theater are useless besides enriching the elect.
The councils money to ask the autonomous parliaments, they depend central government, which is the opening or closing the tap, this, in turn, depends European Union and this whim of the American Cowboy turn.
Today I feel much less secure: the same who jealously guard their borders with annoying and humiliating security measures, forcing you to undress in airports where they observe, Bumble and record your body making you pass scanners ; prohibiéndote to take drugs or drink in the bag, they go and come by Night and treachery in other countries and commit the most heinous murders. And our government says everything is fine.
definitely , President Zapatero, I also did not recognize